Home | Knights | King Arthur
Knights, Heroes and King Arthur
King Arthur

Camelot, the Round Table and the Sword in the Stone

If you are not familiar with the story of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, the following links will show you several websites with lots of information about the legend. (Even if you have heard the story before, check out these webpages anyway. You'll find plenty of stuff you didn't know.)

Read through the questions below. Do NOT!! try to answer them until you have looked at the websites linked under them.


4. What was Camelot?
5. What is Excaliber and where did Arthur get it?
6. Who was Lady Guinevere?

Now, keep those questions in mind and look through the links below.


The Legend of King Arthur

Other Characters from the Legend of King Arthur (Be sure to read about Guinevere)

After you have read through the sites, you and your partners should each answer the questions on your webquest map. When you have finished writing, share your responses with your partners.

Once you and your partners have finished with the questions, click the knight below to continue with the webquest.




A Webquest for East Side Middle School Students
in Mr. Akers' Language Arts Class